The Root Cause analytic groups attributes together based on the metric selected, with the order been either an ascending or descending based on the metric value.  Multiple attributes can be selected in order to determine groups of attributes associated with a variant, step, activity or rule

  • The metric used to calculate insights can be changed via the Metrics drop-down
  • The attributes used to calculate insights can be changed via the Attributes drop-down.  
  • The minimum and maximum number of tasks associated with the attribute groups can be changed
  • The minimum and maximum metric value associated with the attribute groups can be changed

Context menus are available in each node with the following options



Issues -> DetailOpens the issue detail modal to show the attributes for each issue related to selected node
Issues -> History

Opens the issue history model to display an graph showing the history of issues created for the selected node 

Issues -> Histogram

Opens the histogram modal to display an issue duration histogram for the issues associated with the selected node 

Issues -> LifecycleOpens the issue lifecycle modal to show the a graphical representation of the steps associated with each issue for selected node 
Issues -> Time in ActivityOpens the Time in Activity visualization for issues related to selected node 

Events -> Detail

Opens the event detail modal to show the attributes for each event related to selected node 

Events -> Histogram

Opens the histogram modal  to  display an event duration histogram for the events associated with selected node